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1.General Topics
What is the best way of contacting SARANGSoft?
The best option is always to use the relevant web form on the website for the specific purpose. If you feel there is no suitable form for your question, in that case please send e-mail to us at the following addreses: General Question: info@sarangsoft.com Support Queries / Issues: support@sarangsoft.com To Purchase Product / Service / Solution: sales@sarangsoft.com Any issue with the website: webmaster@sarangsoft.com Please do NOT send mails to jobs@sarangsoft.com directly. Also, please do NOT send any CV / resume to any of the above e-mail addresses. Job applicants are requested to visit our Career page to find a suitable opening, and submit application through the web form provided there. All other job applications are deleted without any consideration.
What is the best way of applying for a job / internship / training at SARANGSoft?
Please go to the Career page (via the Company->Career menu option) of our website. Locate a job opening that's suitable for you, and submit your resume / CV / biodata along with the other information. In case you do not find any suitable opening, but still want to apply, please select the "Other Positions" option and specify what kind of job / training / internship you are looking for. Please, please do NOT send your job application to jobs@sarangsoft.com. Such applications are summarily rejected.
What is main business of SARANGSoft?
There is a lot of information about what we do and intend to do. In short, we are software product development and services company.
Can we install 32-bit digipaper on 64-bit Windows OS?
Yes. The 32-bit installer for digipaper runs perfectly on both 32-bit and 64 bit Windows OS.
What hardware, Operating System and other software are required to install digipaper?
digipaper can be installed on Windows PCs with at least the following hardware and software.
Server side / Database:
a) Hardware: Intel Core (or comparable) CPU, 4 GB RAM, 10 GB free hard disc space.
b) OS: Windows 7 and higher; Windows Server 2008-R2 or higher.
c) Other software components: .NET Framework 4.5 SQL Server (Express) 2008-R2 or higher, installed in "Mixed Mode" or "SQL Server Authentication Mode"
Client side:
a) Hardware: Intel Pentium 4, 2 GB RAM, 100 MB free hard disc space.
b) OS: Windows XP-SP3 or higher; Windows server 2008-R2 or higher.
c) Other software components: .NET Framework 4.0 Adobe Acrobat Reader 11 or higher.
How many Client Access Licenses (CALs) do we get with a digipaper license?
A license of digipaper comes with 1 CAL. Additional CAL can be purchased from SARANGSoft.
The 30-day Trial comes with 1 CAL.
How can we use digipaper on more computers than what comes as standard?
After installing digipaper Server Utility, you can "Activate" one client PC using the CAL bundled with the product. To use digipaper client on more PCs, you can purchase additional CAL from SARANGSoft.
How many computers (client and server) can use the 30-day Trial of digipaper?
The 30-day free Trial is limited to only one computer.
How do I activate digipaper Clients?
To activate the ‘Client’, start digipaper Server Utility application and go to the “Client activation” dialog. Please follow the steps specified in the 'Activate client' topic of digipaper Server Utility 'Help'.
How do I get the Trial version of digipaper before purchasing it?
You can download the digipaper installer from SARANGSoft website and use it for free for up to 30 days to get a feel for it.
How do I buy a license for digipaper and activate the product?
When you purchase a license for digipaper, you get the License Key for the product. You can purchase it either as
a) Boxed product from SARANGSoft or its authorized Partners / Resellers:
SARANGSoft sells its products, including digipaper, as a boxed product in some markets (directly or via SARANGSoft-authorized Partners / Resellers). If you purchase the boxed product, you will find a CD-ROM with digipaper and the supporting software as well as the printed License / Activation Key. Install digipaper from the CD-ROM and run it. When you run 'digipaper Server Utility', the ‘Product Activation’ dialog will appear; please enter the ‘Activation Key’ provided in the product box. After validating with SARANGSoft server, your installation will be activated for the appropriate number of client licenses.
b) Download and Buy from SARANGSoft website:
On SARANGSoft website (http://www.sarangsoft.com), please go to “Products -> Tools & Utilities -> digipaper” web page. You will see the “Download & Buy” section in the middle pane, with the links to download the software installer and buy a license. You can download the product MSI (Windows Installer), and install it on your computers. You can buy the product license by clicking on the “Buy” link and make a secured payment through PayPal. You will receive a confirmation for your purchase along with the ‘Activation Key’ in the email account you specify during the purchase. Please save that email for all future references. When you run 'digipaper Server Utility’, the ‘Product Activation’ dialog will appear; enter the ‘Activation Key’ from the purchase email in the space provided in the Activation dialog box and click on the ‘Activate’ button. Within a few seconds the activation process should be completed.
Do I have to pay for an upgraded version of digipaper?
If you already purchased a license for digipaper, you do not need to pay anything for a minor version upgrade; for example, if you have purchased Version 1.0, you can get all Version 1.x upgrades for free on those installations.
However, you will have to pay an upgrade fee for major version upgrades, such as from V1.x to V2.0.
If I purchase additional CAL, how will that be updated in the application?
It is done automatically. When you purchase an additional CAL, you need to specify the Activation Key for the original product license. The extra CAL purchase is automatically connected to the original purchase to augment the existing number of CALs available for your installation. Next time when you go to the 'Client activation' dialog, the additional number of client installations will be shown there. Please note that you need to be connected to the Internet for the activation process.
What is the maximum resolution of scanned documents supported for digipaper?
digipaper v1.0 gives best results for up to 300 DPI images. You can scan for 600 DPI or more resolution, but as the image size increases, it takes a lot of memory (RAM and disc space). If you keep on storing such large size images, at times you will see an "Out of Memory" error. The same error sometimes appears while you try to retrieve a set of such large images, as a result of which you might not see the image correctly.
We are working to resolve this issue and improve your experience with images at 600+ DPI in the upcoming v1.1 release of digipaper.
Can I store a document without “tagging” it?
No. While storing a document in digipaper, you have to specify the value of at least one "tag". This tag value is used to later identify the document via search.
In the upcoming v1.1 release of digipaper, you will be able to store documents without any tag. However, for every such case digipaper will alert you the document is stored without tagging, and hence cannot be found via search based on tag values. You can find such document only by listing all the documents under the specific (sub-)section.
Can I have both a sub-section and tag under a section while creating an archive hierarchy?
No. A section or sub-section can have either sub-section(s) or tag(s), but cannot have both.
What to do if I need to add sub-section(s) as well as tag(s) under a section / sub-section?
Say you have a (sub-)section named MySection, under which you want to add sub-section(s) and tag(s). You can create a sub-section named 'Self' (say) under MySection. The 'Self' sub-section will contain the tags you want to add under MySection. Now you can also add other sub-section(s) under MySection.
Can I delete any existing document?
Once a digital document in added under any (sub-)section of an archive in digipaper v1.0, you cannot delete or alter the document. If the added document is wrong, you can do any of the following.
a) Use a tag (e.g., ‘Note’ – string type) to add a comment that this document is wrong and why.
b) Add the correct document, which will become Version 2 of the required document.
The two together can indicate which document is correct and should be used, but the wrong document will continue to be in the archive. This is to ensure a document of any archive cannot be tampered with or made to disappear later on.
If I modify an existing document, can I find the previous version of the document?
Sure. Whenever you have an update to an existing document, you can ‘add’ it to the same (sub-)section as the original document. The previous document will be retained, whereas the new document will be available as a later version of that document. At any time you can see the change history of a document.
While installing digipaper server, I am facing an error “Failed to create SQL database: DIGIPAPER_DD. Unknown error.” and the installation is rolled back. What should I do?
You need to do the following steps:
1. Go to SQL Server Configuration Manager.
2. In the left pane, go to “SQL Server Network Configuration”.
3. Click on “Protocols for SQLExpress”.
4. Enabled both “Named Pipes” and “TCP/IP”. Start the installation again. You will now be able to install digipaper server properly.
During installation of digipaper server or client, if I will get any error, what is the first thing I need to do?
1. Open command prompt in administrator mode.
2. Go to the path where your required MSI exists.
3. Run the command “msiexec /i <msi file name> /l*v <error filename>“.
4. The installation starts running and it will generate the error you are facing.
5. Once installation stops, you will see an error file is generated with the given <error filename> in the same path where the MSI exists.
6. Sent the log file to digipaper@sarangsoft.com. digipaper core team will investigate and let you know as soon as possible.
While installing digipaper server, I am facing an error “IIS is required for digipaper server utility to work.” What should I do to install IIS?
1. Go to 'Control Panel'
2. Go to 'Uninstall a program' section.
3. Click on 'Turn Windows features on or off in the left top area.
4. In the 'Turn Windows feature on or off' list, check 'Internet Information Services' and click on OK.
5. Then proceed with the dialogs to install the feature.
6. Start the digipaper server MSI or Web Installer again to install digipaper server component.
How to unblock digipaper installer MSI blocked by Windows 10?
After downloading digipaper MSI when you run (double-click on) it, it may happen that Windows 10 blocks the MSI from running, especially if you have the option 'Potentially unwanted app blocking' turned 'On' -- for better security -- in Windows Settings. The blocking message appears in a window with the title "Windows Protected your PC" and a "Don't run" button.
To run the installer MSI, please click on the "More info" link in that window. You will then see the application installer file name (in this case digipaper_x64.msi) and publisher info (SARANGSoft LLC). There will be another button "Run anyway" just before the "Don't run" button. Click on the "Run anyway" button to run the installer MSI, so that digipaper is installed in your computer.
The other option is to download the MSI, then right-click on the .MSI file, and go to the "Properties" option in the popup menu. In the Properties dialog, under 'General' tab if you see the 'Unblock' check box, please mark (check) it and click 'OK'. If you then run the installer MSI, it will run properly without being blocked by Windows.
4.WinBackup Business
What hardware and software are required for WinBackup Business?
Minimum System Requirements for installing 'Database Configuration with Administrator Console:
CPU: Intel Pentium Core (or compatible) or better
RAM: 2 GB (4 GB is preferred)
Hard Disc free space: 50 MB for application files, 10 GB for database
Operating System: Windows Vista or higher
Other: .NET Framework 4.x
SQL Server (Express) 2012 or higher
Minimum System Requirements for installing only Administrator Console:
CPU: Intel Pentium Core (or compatible) or better RAM: 2 GB Hard Disc free
Space: 50 MB Operating System: Windows Vista or higher
Other: .NET Framework 4.x
Minimum System requirements to install and run WinBackup Business Client:
CPU: Intel Pentium Core (or compatible) or better
RAM: 1 GB (2 GB is preferred)
Hard Disc free space: 50 MB
Operating System: Windows XP-SP3 or higher
Other: .NET Framework 4.x
How many Client Access Licenses (CALs) are available with a WinBackup Business license?
A standard license of WinBackup Business comes with 10 CALs bundled.
Additional CAL packs (of 10 CALs each) can be purchased from SARANGSoft.
The 30-day free Trial comes with 5 CALs.
How can we use WinBackup Business on more computers than what comes as standard?
After installing WinBackup Business Server, you can “Activate” up to 10 client PCs using the 10 CALs bundled with the product. To use WinBackup Business client on more PCs, you can purchase additional CAL Packs (of 10 CALs each) from SARANGSoft.
How many computers (client and server) can be activated with the 30-day Trial of WinBackup Business?
The 30-day free Trial is limited to 5 computers.
Can I purchase extra license for WinBackup Business 'Administrator Console', apart from what I get with the standard license?
Not right now. We are working on providing licenses for additional ‘Administrator Console’.
Meanwhile, you can contact us to specify your needs. We do incorporate customer feedbacks into successive product releases.
How do I activate WinBackup Business Clients?
To activate the ‘Client Computers’, please go to the “Register Client Computers” option in 'WinBackup Business Administrator Console'. The steps are quite simple to follow.
You will find more detailed information under the 'Register Client Computers' topic in the 'Help'.
How do I get the Trial version of WinBackup Business before purchasing it?
You can download the Trial version of WinBackup Business from SARANGSoft website and use it for free for up to 30 days to get a feel for it. After 30 days trial period is over, you won’t be able to use the product.
To continue using the product, you can purchase a license for the product from SARANGSoft or its authorized partner / reseller.
How do I buy a license for WinBackup Business and activate the product?
By purchasing a license for WinBackup Business, you get the license key for the product. You can purchase it as
a) Boxed product from SARANGSoft or its authorized Partners / Resellers:
If you purchase WinBackup Business as a boxed product from the market (from SARANGSoft or SARANGSoft-authorized Partner / Reseller), you will find a CD-ROM with the software and the printed license / activation key in it. Install the software from the CD-ROM and run it. When the ‘Product Activation’ dialog comes up, please enter the ‘Activation Key’ provided in the box. After validating with SARANGSoft server, your installation will be activated.
b) Download from SARANGSoft website:
On SARANGSoft website (http://www.sarangsoft.com), go to the “Products -> Tools & Utilities -> WinBackup Business” page. You will see the “Download & Buy” section on the right side, with links to download and buy a license. You can download the product MSI (Windows Installer) for your required platform (32-bit or 64-bit Windows), and install in your network. You can buy the license by clicking on the “Buy” link and make a secured payment through PayPal. You will receive a confirmation for your purchase along with the ‘Activation key’ in the email account you specify during the purchase. Please save that email for all future references. When you run WinBackup Business ‘Administrator Console’, the ‘Product Activation’ dialog will appear. Enter the ‘Activation Key’ from the purchase email in the space provided in the Activation dialog box and click on the ‘Activate’ key. Within a few seconds the activation process should be completed.
How do I get a version update for WinBackup Business?
After you purchase a license of WinBackup Business and activate the product, you will be able to get free updates for all minor versions over the Internet. The latest version of WinBackup Business is made available on WinBackup Business web page on SARANGSoft website.
Also, WinBackup Business (like all SARANGSoft products) has a ‘Look for WinBackup Business update’ menu option. You can use that to check for any newer released version of the product. You will be told if there is any release newer than your currently installed version, and can install it with a couple of mouse clicks.
Do I have to pay for an upgraded version of WinBackup Business?
If you already purchased license for an edition of WinBackup Business, you do not need to pay anything for a minor version upgrade (e.g., if you have purchased Version 2.0, you can get all Version 2.x releases).
However, you will have to pay an upgrade fee for major version upgrade, such as from v2.x to v3.y.
If I purchase additional CAL Pack(s), how will that be connected with the application?
This is done automatically. When you purchase additional CAL Pack(s), you need to specify the Activation Key of the original product license. The additional CAL Pack purchase is automatically tied to the original purchase to increase the available number of CALs available for your installation. Next time when you go to the ‘Register Client Computers’ dialog, the additional number of agent licenses will be shown there. Please note that you need to be connected to the Internet for this update to take place.
In spite of the ‘Client’ being uninstalled from a computer, sometimes the computer appears in the 'Register Client Computers' list. Why?
If the client computer fails to connect to the server during uninstall, the agent list fails to be updated. In that case, you should uncheck the particular client computer in the 'Register Client Computers' list.
In the 'Individual' selection mode, 'My Computer' is not getting expanded.
During WinBackup Business Server setup you needed to specify a WinBackup Business user. If you are working in a Windows Active Directory domain environment, this user should be a domain user, but not necessarily a domain administrator. If you are working in a Windows workgroup, this user needs to be present as a local user in all the workgroup computers, in which you are installing WinBackup Business server or client.
Additionally, in case of a workgroup, this user needs to have the same password in all the computers in which WinBackup Business server or client is installed. You can set aside a username (whose credentials are known only to the network administrator) dedicated for WinBackup Business backup purposes. You need to run 'WinBackup Business Administrator Console' under this same user account. To do so, log into Windows using this user's credentials and then launch 'WinBackup Business Administrator Console'.
Scheduling fails while configuring or deleting a backup.
During WinBackup Business server setup you needed to specify a WinBackup Business user. If you are working in a Windows Active Directory domain environment, this user needs to be a domain user, but not necessarily a domain administrator. If you are working in a Windows workgroup, this user needs to be present as a local user in all the workgroup computers, in which you are installing WinBackup Business server or client. Additionally, in case of a workgroup, this user needs to have the same password in all the computers in which WinBackup Business server or client is installed. You can set aside a username (whose credentials are known only to the network administrator) dedicated for WinBackup Business backup purposes. You need to run 'WinBackup Business Administrator Console' under this same user account. To do so, log into Windows using this user's credentials and then launch 'WinBackup Business Administrator Console'.
Also, for backup scheduling to be successful, a few settings need to be enabled in the WinBackup Business client computers. These settings are shown to you in the 'Client Computer Changes' dialog when you setup WinBackup Business server. You have to opt-in to the changes upon which WinBackup Business will automatically do the required changes during WinBackup Business client installation. For more information, please refer to the WinBackup Business server installation guide.
Why can't I configure an Incremental backup before a Full backup?
An “Incremental backup” is based on the file changes that have occurred after the last backup (Full or Incremental). So, a full backup needs to have run successfully before an incremental backup can be done. When you are scheduling for full and incremental backups, WinBackup Business will verify that all your incremental backups will run after at least one full backup has run, i.e., all your incremental backups are scheduled to run after a full backup. Also, the full backup should be scheduled at a time gap of at least 5 minutes from now (when you are configuring the backup). This is to take into account the time required for WinBackup Business to complete the schedules, and any time variations between the server computer and the client computers.
Why can't I change the encryption details after the backup has been configured?
You can change the encryption details until a backup has run under that backup specification. If even a single backup has run under that backup specification in any client computer, encryption details cannot be changed. The reason for that is backup archives are encrypted with the details you provide. If you change encryption details after a backup has been done (an archive is created with the first encryption), the changed encryption details will not be able to decrypt it later on, thereby making it unusable.
To change the encryption details you need to load that existing backup specification, give it a new backup name and then change the encryption details. From then on, the backup will run with that new backup name. You can delete the old backup using 'Delete Backup' option, if it’s no longer needed (the existing backup data will be retained).
Can WinBackup Business work across domains or workgroups?
To perform successful backups, WinBackup Business requires permissions that are not available across domains or workgroups. So, a WinBackup Business server and its corresponding clients need to be in the same domain or workgroup. If you have multiple domains and/or workgroups within your organization, you need to install WinBackup Business server and its corresponding clients in each domain and/or workgroup separately. You can purchase the CALs separately depending on the number of clients within the domain and/or workgroup in which WinBackup Business server is installed.
Feel free to contact us, and we will guide you regarding this process.
Can WinBackup Business take backup of open files?
WinBackup Business can take backup of most open files like files opened using Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, OpenOffice, Notepad, Wordpad, MS Paint etc. However, some applications, such as Microsoft Outlook, open files in a way (in non-shared mode), which prevents WinBackup Business to backup the files (when those files are open).
We are working on addressing this and will soon release a version of WinBackup Business that will support backup of such open files too.
Can I upload a backup archive to cloud storage (as with filexpertez)?
WinBackup Business does not directly upload backup archives to cloud storage such as AWS-S3 or Azure. However, SARANGSoft's CloudScape cloud storage browser tool is bundled with WinBackup Business (as filexpertez), using which you can upload and download backup archives between cloud storage -- AWS-S3 and Azure.
How to unblock WinBackup Business installer MSI blocked by Windows 10?
After downloading WinBackup Business MSI when you run (double-click on) it, it may happen that Windows 10 blocks the MSI from running, especially if you have the option 'Potentially unwanted app blocking' turned 'On' -- for better security -- in Windows Settings. The blocking message appears in a window with the title "Windows Protected your PC" and a "Don't run" button.
To run the installer MSI, please click on the "More info" link in that window. You will then see the application installer file name (in this case WinBackup_Business_x64.msi) and publisher info (SARANGSoft LLC). There will be another button "Run anyway" just before the "Don't run" button. Click on the "Run anyway" button to run the installer MSI, so that WinBackup Business is installed in your computer.
The other option is to download the MSI, then right-click on the .MSI file, and go to the "Properties" option in the popup menu. In the Properties dialog, under 'General' tab if you see the 'Unblock' check box, please mark (check) it and click 'OK'. If you then run the installer MSI, it will run properly without being blocked by Windows.
I am installing filexpertez on Windows XP. filexpertez setup tells me that I don't have IMAPI 2.0 installed. What is that needed for?
IMAPI v2.0 is natively available in Windows VISTA and higher. In Windows XP and Server 2003, IMAPI v1.0 was available. IMAPI is a Windows component and is used to write to optical discs (CD/DVD). When filexpertez backs up to CD/DVD, it used IMAPI v2.0 for the purpose. IMAPI v2.0 setup for Windows XP and Server 2003 is available from Microsoft's website free of charge. So, if you are running filexpertez on Windows XP/Server 2003, you would be prompted during setup regarding the unavailability of the component. You can continue setup without installing IMAPI v2.0, download IMAPI v2.0 immediately or can ask filexpertez to create a download link for IMAPI v2.0 under filexpertez program menu folder. You will not be able to backup to CD/DVD unless you install IMAPI v2.0.
What does ' Verify consistency of backup files after backup completion' do?
During backup you can ask filexpertez to verify consistency of backup files after backup completion. When you choose this option, filexpertez will do an in-memory restore after backup completion. This verifies the backup files integrity and ensures that the backup files haven't got corrupted due to disk errors or network transfer errors and saves you from surprises during restoration. Please note that this feature will not save you from disk errors if it happen after the backup verification operation. Checking this option will make the backup operation take longer to complete.
Can filexpertez use SSL/TLS SMTP server for sending email notification?
No, filexpertez does not support SSL/TLS SMTP servers. If you do not provide your own SMTP server details, filexpertez will use our own SMTP server for sending you the notification provided you are connected to the Internet.
Do I need to have an Internet connection to run filexpertez?
You need to be connected to the Internet for the first time you run filexpertez after installation. During that stage filexpertez registers your copy of filexpertez with SARANGSoft. After registering, you can continue using filexpertez without any Internet connection.
Why cannot I see the filexpertez context menu in my 64-bit Windows OS?
If you installed the 32-bit build of filexpertez on your 64-bit OS, the filexpertez shell context menu will not appear. Please install the 64-bit filexpertez build to get the context menu.
Can filexpertez backup and restore files with long path lengths?
filexpertez supports backup and restore of files with long path lengths up to 1024 characters.
Can filexpertez backup open files like 'pst' ?
Currently, filexpertez can backup open MS Word/Excel files but cannot backup Outlook 'pst' files. In the next version of filexpertez you will get this feature.
I am running filexpertez on Windows XP/Server 2003. I schedule a backup to be run under a specific Windows user account and later change that account's password. I see that the backup had failed to start. Why?
filexpertez uses Windows task scheduler to schedule its backup operations. In Windows XP/Server 2003 task scheduler there was a bug which prevented a task to be run after the password of the user account with which the task was scheduled is changed. This has been fixed from Windows VISTA onwards. If you are running filexpertez under Windows XP/Server 2003, please create a dedicated user account in your local computer whose password will never be changed. Use that user account to schedule the filexpertez backups.
When I create a new bucket in Amazon S3 and tell filexpertez to copy the backup files to the newly created bucket, it sometimes fails to do so. Why?
When a new bucket is created in Amazon S3, it sometimes takes a little long to get initialized. When during this period filexpertez tries to copy the backup files to this bucket, it will fail. Please use a preexisting buckets (and not newly created ones) as the destination of remote copy of the backup files.
What Operating System is required to install Logastic SDK / library?
You can install Logastic library on Windows XP (SP3+), Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, Windows Server 2003, Server 2008 (R2), Server 2012 (R2).
What is Logastic – SDK or library?
Logastic is provided by SARANGSoft as an SDK, which comprises of libraries – header files, .lib (for linking applications) and .dll (runtime), sample code, log target base class, documentation etc. Once you install the SDK, Logastic can be easily used as a built-in class to write C/C++ or C# applications.
Does Logastic support “asynchronous logging”?
Yes, Logastic supports asynchronous logging along with synchronous logging. While synchronous logging is simple, it blocks until the logging operation is “completed”, thereby affecting performance, especially in highly active systems, such as media applications. Though asynchronous logging is a bit complex – Logastic hides most of that – it is very helpful in avoiding the blocking / delay in such applications.
What is a “Logging Target”?
When logging is done from an application, it is “written” to some medium, which can be “seen” by the developer, the most common choice being on-screen window and file. These are called “logging targets”.
How many log targets does Logastic support?
Logastic supports four types of log targets – Console, Window, File and Debugger. Please note that you can create a custom log target as per your application needs. More information for the “Can we develop a custom target using Logastic SDK” question below.
Can we use Logastic library from C# code?
Yes, Logastic supports both C/C++ and C# languages.
Can we develop a custom target using Logastic SDK?
Yes, you can use the log target base class in Logastic SDK to create your own custom log target object, which overrides (actually defines) some of the base class methods to meet your specific needs. Then you can use the custom log target with Logastic. For example, you can create “memory” and “database” log targets.
Please note that the 4 log targets in Logastic SDK have been developed the same way.
How do I get the Trial version of Logastic before purchasing it?
You can download the Logastic installer from SARANGSoft website and use it for free up to 30 days to evaluate it. We are confident that you will really like it and get a license to use in ALL your projects.
How do I buy a license for Logastic and activate the product?
When you purchase a license for Logastic, you get a License Key for the product, using which you would Activate Logastic.
You can purchase the license from SARANGSoft website (http://www.sarangsoft.com) as follows:
1) Please go to “Products -> Developer's Tools -> Logastic” web page. You will see the “Download & Buy” section in the middle pane, with links to “Download” the software installer and “Buy” a license.
2) Download the product MSI (Windows Installer), and install it on your computer.
3) Buy the product license by clicking on the “Buy” link and make a secured payment through PayPall. You will receive a confirmation email for your purchase along with the ‘Activation Key’ in the email account you specify during the purchase. Please save that email for all future references.
4) When you run 'Logastic’, the ‘Product Activation’ dialog will appear. Enter the ‘Activation Key’ (from the license purchase email) in the space provided in Activation dialog box and click on the ‘Activate’ button. Within a few seconds the activation process should be completed.
If you face any problem or have any question regarding the process, please ask us via the Contact Us web form.
Will I have to pay for an upgraded version of Logastic?
If you have already purchased a license for Logastic, you do not need to pay anything for a minor version upgrade; for example, if you have purchased Version 1.0, you can get all Versions 1.x (such as 1.1, 1.2, ..) upgrades for free on those installations.
However, you will have to pay an upgrade fee (less than the full price of Logastic) for major version upgrades, such as from V1.x to V2.x.
Can I export/import the settings of Logastic?
Yes, Logastic provides required methods to export and import the settings. Please refer to the Help.
How can I configure the Logastic settings?
There are three (3) ways to configure Logastic settings.
1) Using its defined APIs
2) Using the Configuration dialog box
3) By importing Logastic settings file
How do I use Logastic from C# code?
Logastic provides an assembly “Sarangsoft.Logastic.dll” in its installation directory. Add the assembly to your project references. Then you are ready to use it with C# code too.
Which version of .NET is required for Logastic for C# code?
.NET 3.5 is the minimum requirement for using Logastic in C# code.
Looks like if the application crashes or is terminated in the middle, some of the logs to “file” are lost.
This is a mostly unavoidable problem of logging to files. When you log to a window or console or debugger, the logged text appears depending on whether you choose synchronous (immediately) or asynchronous (might come in bunches) logging option. However, in case of logging to file, irrespective of sync or async mode, the logged data go through a few layers – from Logastic to Windows file system to hard disc’s buffer to the hard disc’s physical medium (the disc itself). If the application crashes or is terminated midway, the supposedly “already logged to file” data can be in any of these stages. Until the data reaches the physical hard disc, it will get lost if the app goes away unexpectedly and its resources (including memory) are released by Windows.
Can 32-bit Logastic be installed and used on 64-bit Windows OS?
32-bit Logastic can be used to build a 32-bit app on 64-bit Windows, which can be then be run on both 32-bit and 64-bit Windows.
Can we install SysExpertez 32-bit 'Web Service & Database' on 64-bit Windows OS?
No. The 32-bit and 64-bit 'Web Service & Database' of SysExpertez can be installed on only the matching version of the Windows OS.
Do we need IIS for installing SysExpertez 'Web Service & Database'?
Yes, IIS (Internet Information Service) version 7.0 or higher is needed to install the 'Web Service and Database' component of SysExpertez.
Which Operating System version and software components are required to install SysExpertez?
To install SysExpertez you need the following OS and software:
For only 'Administrative Console': Windows 7 or higher.
For 'Web Service, Database, and Administrative Console' together:
a) Server OS: Windows Server 2008-R2 or higher.
b) Desktop OS: Windows 7 or higher.
c) Other software components:
* .NET Framework 4.0
* SQL Server Express 2008 or higher
* IIS 7.0 or higher
How many client computers are covered by the 'Base' license of SysExpertez?
'Base Pack' of SysExpertez comes with Client Access License (CALs) for 25 computers (client and server OS) and 1 Admin Console license. Additional CAL Packs can be purchased to cover more computers in the network.
How many computers (client and server) can be activated with a Trial copy of SysExpertez?
The Trial copy is limited to a maximum of 10 computers.
Can I purchase extra license of SysExpertez 'Administrative Console', apart from what I get with the 'Base' license?
Yes, you can purchase extra license for 'Administrative Console'.
How do I activate SysExpertez Clients?
To activate the ‘Client Agents’, please go to the “Register Agent...” option in the 'User Control' menu on the right side of the ‘Information Bar’. Please refer to the 'Activation of SysExpertez Administrator console and Registering Agent Software' topic in the 'Help'.
How do I get the Trial version of SysExpertez before purchasing it?
You can download the Trial version of SysExpertez from our website and use it for free for up to 30 days to get a feel for the software.
How do I buy a license for SysExpertez and activate the product?
By purchasing a license for SysExpertez, you get the license key for the product. You can purchase it as one of the follows.
a) Boxed product from SARANGSoft or its authorized Partners / Resellers:
If you purchase SysExpertez as a boxed product from the market (from SARANGSoft or SARANGSoft-authorized Partner / Reseller), you will find a CD-ROM with the software and the printed license / activation key in it. Install the software from the CD-ROM and run it. When the ‘Product Activation’ dialog comes up, please enter the ‘Activation Key’ provided in the box. After validating with SARANGSoft server, your installation will be activated.
b) Online from SARANGSoft website:
On our website (https://sarangsoft.com) go to the “PRODUCTS > SYSEXPERTEZ” page. You will see the “DOWNLOAD & BUY” section on the right side, with the links to Download the Software and / or Buy a License. You can download the product MSI (Windows Installer) for your required platform (32-bit or 64-bit Windows), and install in your network. You can also download 'Web Installer,' which will install SysExpertez as well as automatically download and install all the other required software components. You can buy the License by clicking on the “Buy” link and make a secured payment through PayPal. You will receive a confirmation email for your purchase along with the ‘Activation key’ in the email account you specify during the purchase. Please save that email for all future references. When you run SysExpertez ‘Admin Console’, the ‘Product Activation’ dialog will appear. Enter the ‘Activation Key’ from the purchase email in the space provided in the Activation dialog box and click on the ‘Activate’ key. Within a few seconds the activation process should be completed.
How do I get a version update for SysExpertez?
After you purchase a license of SysExpertez and activate the product, you will be able to get free updates for all minor versions over the Internet. The latest version of SysExpertez is always put out on SysExpertez web page on our website.
Do I have to pay for an upgraded version of SysExpertez?
If you already purchased license of SysExpertez, you do not need to pay anything for a minor version upgrade (e.g., if you have purchased Version 3.0, you can get all Version 3.x releases). However, you will have to pay a discounted (50% of the published price) upgrade fee for major version upgrade, such as from V3.x to V4.0.
If a Client Access License (CAL) Pack is purchased, how will that be updated in the application?
It is done automatically. When you purchase an additional CAL Pack, you need to specify the 'Activation Key' for the original product (Base) license that you purchased earlier. The extra CAL Pack purchase is automatically tied to the original purchase ('Base' license) to increase the number of CALs available for your installation. Next time when you go to the ‘Agent Activation’ dialog, the additional number of agents will be shown there. Please note that you need to be connected to the Internet for the updated license counts to be shown.
In spite of the ‘Client Agent’ being uninstalled from a computer, why does the computer sometimes appears in the 'Agent Activation List'?
If the client computer fails to connect to the server during uninstall, the Client Agent list will not be updated immediately. In that case, you should manually uncheck the particular client computer in the Agent Activation list.
How much time gap is recommended between two successive network scans?
There should be a reasonable time gap between two successive scheduled scans, so that the first scheduled task can be completed before the next one starts. Overlap in scheduled jobs might cause problems and the later scheduled task might not start as expected. The recommended gap between two successive scan schedules is at least 15 minutes, but it depends on the status of the network including the number of computers in it.
Why does the 'Last Scan Schedule Time' shown on the Information Bar mismatch with the actual scan schedule time?
The 'Last Scan Schedule Time' displayed on the 'Information Bar' is actually the time when the client computer reports data to the server for a scheduled network scan. In general, there is a delay between the time scheduled for scanning and the time of scan completing on a client computer. That is why there is a mismatch between these two times.
Can SysExpertez detect an asset change that happens while the client computer is offline?
Yes. If there is any network scan scheduled during the offline mode, the data will be sent to the server when the client gets back in online mode (and can connect to the server).
How is a 'Prohibited' software detected by SysExpertez?
To detect a particular software as 'Prohibited', the Admin needs to categorize that software as 'Prohibited'. An unknown software is marked as 'Unknown'. It's up to the Admin to determine whether to put it in the Licensed or Approved category vs. the Prohibited category. Later on if an alert is set on 'Prohibited' software installation, a notification email will be sent to the Admin whenever a subsequent network scan detects such a software installed on any computer. Alternatively, the Admin can also view the log of that alert.
‘Scan Schedule’ has been set on the computers, but why hasn't scanning has not been done?
A client computer periodically polls (checks with) SysExpertez server for any information / update. If the scheduled scan time is too close (less than 5 minutes) to when the scheduling was done, there is a chance of missing that particular scheduled scan. So, it is recommended to schedule about 10 minutes later than the time the scheduling is being done (say, the current time).
Can SysExpertez detect and collect data on Android devices in the network?
Yes, if SARANGSoft 'SNMP Agent' app is installed on an Android device and the device is using a wireless connection within the network, i.e., the device is using an IP address within the network, SysExpertez can detect it and collect significant details (hardware and software) about the device.
How to unblock SysExpertez installer MSI blocked by Windows 10?
After downloading SysExpertez MSI when you run (double-click on) it, it may happen that Windows 10 blocks the MSI from running, especially if you have the option 'Potentially unwanted app blocking' turned 'On' -- for better security -- in Windows Settings. The blocking message appears in a window with the title "Windows Protected your PC" and a "Don't run" button.
To run the installer MSI, please click on the "More info" link in that window. You will then see the application installer file name (in this case SysExpertez_v3.5_64_bit.msi) and publisher info (SARANGSoft LLC). There will be another button "Run anyway" just before the "Don't run" button. Click on the "Run anyway" button to run the installer MSI, so that SysExpertez is installed in your computer.
The other option is to download the MSI, then right-click on the .MSI file, and go to the "Properties" option in the popup menu. In the Properties dialog, under 'General' tab if you see the 'Unblock' check box, please mark (check) it and click 'OK'. If you then run the installer MSI, it will run properly without being blocked by Windows.
What Operating System is required to install Testology?
Testology is tested successfully with Windows XP-SP3, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008 (R2), Windows Server 2012 (R2).
Can 32-bit Testology be installed and used on 64-bit Windows OS?
Yes, the 32-bit Testology installs and runs perfectly on both 32-bit and 64-bit Windows OS.
How do I get the Trial version of Testology before purchasing it?
You can download the Testology installer from SARANGSoft website and use it for free for up to 30 days to get a feel for it.
Can we get a free version of Testology?
No, but you can download Testology Runner from SARANGSoft website which is absolutely free. A sample test suite will be available with Testology Runner through which you can get an idea how Testology runs a test suite and give results according to your test case settings. But you cannot create any test suite using Testology Runner, for that purpose you need to buy or get a 30 day free trial of Testology.
How do I buy a license for Testology and activate the product?
When you purchase a license for Testology, you get a License Key for the product, using which you can Activate Testology.
You can purchase the license from SARANGSoft website (http://www.sarangsoft.com) as follows:
1) Please go to “Products -> Developer's Tools -> Testology” web page. You will see the “Download & Buy” section in the middle pane, with the links to “Download” the software installer and “Buy” a license.
2) Download the product MSI (Windows Installer), and install it on your computer.
3) Buy the product license by clicking on the “Buy” link and make a secured payment through PayPal. You will receive a confirmation email for your purchase along with the ‘Activation Key’ in the email account you specify during the purchase. Please save that email for all future references.
4) When you run 'Testology’, the ‘Product Activation’ dialog will appear. Enter the ‘Activation Key’ (from the license purchase email) in the space provided in the Activation dialog box and click on the ‘Activate’ button. Within a few seconds the activation process should be completed.
If you face any problem or have any question regarding the process, please ask us via the Contact Us web form.
Do I have to pay for an upgraded version of Testology?
If you have already purchased a license for Testology, you do not need to pay anything for a minor version upgrade; for example, if you have purchased Version 2.0, you can get all Version 2.x (such as 2.1, 2.2, ..) upgrades for free on those installations. However, you will have to pay an upgrade fee (less than the full price of Testology) for major version upgrades, such as from V2.x to V3.x.
How does Testology help me to write a test suite?
Testology can generate the test suite codebase template / framework for you. Through Testology you can implement the automated test plan, such define the test cases, organize the test cases in appropriate groups, specify the test parameters that need to be passed to the test cases etc. Once these are done as per your choise, Testology can generate the test suite codebase template for you. You need to only fill in the test case functions in the code structure. So, the test suite development overheads are all taken care of. You focus on the test case specfic code – the required calls, collecting results, comparing against the expected result to mark a test case pass / fail. Even various types of logging is done via SARANGSoft Logastic, which is integrated with Testology.
Can I test with various test values for the different test cases?
Yes, you can use various test values via the Test Case Options. Here you can modify your test parameter values and run varieties of test cases without making any code change for that.
Can I do stress testing using Testology?
The main purpose of Testology is to automate programmed testing. Stress testing is one of the prime candidates for automated testing. In Testology you can repeat a single test case as many times and in different sequences as per your needs. You can repeat the whole test suite multiple times. You can change these options / values as per your requirement.
What is the difference between Testology (Developer) and Testology Runner?
Testology is the combination of a Developer module (generally referred to as Testology) and a Runner module (referred to as Testology Runner). Through Testology (Developer) you can create new test suites, set various settings for the test cases / suites, and run those test cases / groups / suites accordingly. Testology Runner is meant for executing your already developed test suites. An analogy could be the Adobe Acrobat to create the PDF document vs. Adobe PDF Reader to read / view the PDF document.
Can I test C# .NET based application using Testology?
No, currently Testology is for developing test applications in C/C++ only.
What is a XTS file?
XTS file contains the data for an entire Testology-generated test suite containing test cases and their groupings. You need to consume a .XTS file (XML format) in either Testology (Developer) or Testology Runner to execute the test cases.